20-In-30 Day Goaltending Challenge
20 Challenge Days - 30 Days To Complete
We're kicking off a 30-day goaltending challenge to take your game to the next level! This challenge is all about getting stronger, faster, and sharper in the net. Each day, you'll work on balance, strength and conditioning, and hand-eye coordination—key skills that will make you unbeatable on the ice. Whether it's mastering quick reflexes or building rock-solid stability, this is your chance to step up and show what you've got. Let's make these 30 days count and become the best goalies we can be!
How It Works: Each day has a color that corresponds to a practice plan. In order to complete the challenge, you must do all 20 workout days before the 30 day window ends.
(Credit to USA Hockey for the drill ideas)

1-Leg Balance, Each Leg
About 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for each leg.
Eyes Closed 1-Leg Balance, Each Leg
About 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for each leg.
1-Leg Balance, Reaching Forward and Backward, Each Leg
About 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for each leg.
1-Leg Balance, Reaching Side To Side, Each Leg
About 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for each leg.
1-Leg Balance, Rotate Upper Body, Each Leg
About 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for each leg.
Lateral Squat
Feet wide, then bend one leg while keeping the other straight. 10 reps.
Push Ups
If players can’t do 10 good pushups, have them lower themselves to the ground slowly, then return to the top however they need to.
1-Leg Hip Press
Lay on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Using the heel of 1 leg, push into the ground and raise hips up into a bridge position. Hold at that top position. 10 reps each side.
Wall Slide
Players begin with their back resting on the wall and their heels touching the wall. They then take one step forward with each foot and sit down in a 90 degree squat (back against the wall). Players place their hands beside their ears and raise them diagonally above them, and back 10 times.
Elbows To Hands
Players begin in a plank position and then lower to their elbows, then raise back to a plank position (palms on the ground). Knees/chest stay up the entire time. 10 reps.
Same Side
Toss to partner on same side of body (your right hand throws to their left hand), both sides about 1 min each.
Cross Body
Toss to partner cross body (your right to their right), both sides 1 min each.
Same Side, Cross Body
Toss up and over.
No-Handed Catch
Partners try to set each other up for catching the ball with no hands, about 1 min.