2024-2025 TeamSnap Registration

TeamSnap Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 Season for all Columbus Flames and Icemen teams. Please register by August 30. The registration should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.


Welcome Page:

  • Log In or Create a TeamSnap Account (if you are new to TeamSnap, you can click “Create An Account” - it takes approximately 5 minutes)
  • Once logged in, there will be a landing page showing the window when registration is available, click “Register” at the bottom.

Who Are You Registering Today (select one at a time):

  • Select the player you are registering (you can also add a player here by clicking “Add a household member”)
  • Once selected, review the player information and click “Confirm Information” at the bottom of the page.

Select A Registration Option

  • Select which team the player you are registering is playing for and click “Next” at the bottom of the page. The head coach's name is listed below the official team name.
    • If your player is rostered on multiple teams, select their PRIMARY team.

Player Information:

  • Enter the player’s First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, Gender, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code in the boxes listed below Participant Information. One or more of these boxes may be pre-filled, depending on how much information was provided when you added them as a family member earlier in the registration process.

Guardian Information:

  • Enter the First Name, Last Name, Relation to the Participant, Email and Phone Number of the Primary Parent/Guardian.
    • You can also click the “Select a household member” option just below the “Guardian Information” heading to autofill some of these question fields.

Additional Questions:

  • Select the Player’s School Grade Level this season using the dropdown feature
  • Enter your player’s 2024-2025 USA Hockey number (i.e. 123546789ABCDE)
    • Look for an email from USA Hockey that says “USA Hockey Registration Confirmation”
    • If you are unable to find it, you can contact the CYH Board at columbusyouthhockeyboard@gmail.com
  • (Optional) Repeat the previous 2 steps for Parent/Guardian 2
  • Select how you would like to prioritize your family's 4 required CYH Volunteer Hours by clicking on one or multiple checkboxes.

Review Selections:

  • Double-check that your player is registered for the correct team.
  • If you are registering multiple players you can click “Register Another Player”
  • If your player is a Developmental Player, you will enter the unique discount code that was provided to you in the “Discounts” section.

Digital Agreements:

  • For each of the Digital Agreements: USA Hockey Code of Conduct, CYH Code of Conduct, CYH Photo Release, CYH Travel Policy, and CYH Parent Handbook, select the “Sign” option on the right side, read, scroll down to the bottom, select “I agree”, and “Submit Signature”.

Payment Options:

  • Select one of three ways to pay for your player for the season
    • Pay in full (the entire balance paid today)
    • Deposit of $200, then 6 payments monthly, on the 1st ($200 today, then ⅙ of the remaining balance to be directly deposited Sep 1, Oct 1, Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan 1, Feb 1)
      • New this year: For those of you who expect to receive Ad Sales and/or Scholarships but would still prefer to pay via card/e-check, please select the Deposit of $200 option and email columbusyouthhockeyboard@gmail.com we can defer the payment schedule to after the Ad Sale/Scholarship Deadline and actively credit the account balance based on the amount received. This is also the appropriate process for those who will be split-paying (more than one person paying for player fees).
    • More Payment Options (to pay offline via cash)
      • To Pay via cash select this option, followed by “Continue to pay via cash”

Checkout - Payment (unless you are paying by cash):

  • Select how you would the funds to be paid
    • Card
      • Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club International, Union Pay, Elo
      • Enter in the card detail
      • Click the Checkbox to Agree to the Installment Plan terms
    • US Bank Account
      • Enter in the Bank Account detail (you can search for your bank if it doesn’t automatically pop up on the selection options)
      • Click the Checkbox to Agree to the Installment Plan terms

Once complete, your player will appear on their team's roster on TeamSnap within 72 hours. We strongly recommend downloading the TeamSnap App for a more user-friendly experience and notifications.

For any further questions, you can reach out to the board at columbusyouthhockeyboard@gmail.com

Happy Hockey Season!